Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Back on the Wagon

I am back on the wagon and have decided to give my belly and my liver a rest as well. The pride parade was this weekend which means that I drank my way through Chicago and then had to eat in order to not throw up. I am actually shocked that I didn't go over my allotted calorie allowance and ended up losing weight this week. I am down to 141.6 as of this morning so let's all do a happy dance and hug it out.

I decided to give my liver a rest though, and try not to drink for the next two weeks. Quite frankly, going two days without anything to drink is a miracle (I am fairly certain I don't really have a problem) so two weeks is going to be hell. It's summer time, there are parties and festivals and days off, I'm going to want to drink. I will force myself to be good and hope that when my stomach bloat goes away and some poundage sheds, maybe it will motivate me further to get my ass in gear and calm down with the cocktails while in order to see my toes when I look down.

Wish me luck folks, there might be a lot of swearing going on in the next few posts.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Long Time No Blog

The summer has officially started and I am in the midst of ten million weddings, festivals, pride parade, concerts...so basically lots of reasons to drink my face off and not exercise. I am trying to make a vow RIGHT NOW to not let that happen. The drinking will continue but I must force myself to exercise and actually get into the habit of sticking with it. Then I can drink and not feel guilty.

So, today is the first day of my mission. I weighed in this morning at 145.2 pounds (I'm sure there's some bloat from the booze-filled weekend on top of the ten pounds of pasta I ate at dinner last night).

For breakfast I am eating two packs of apples and cinnamon oatmeal for 240 calories, I'll be going for a run in 45 minutes and then will be treating myself to a $5 footlong veggie sub from Subway with no cheese but added hot peppers.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why Do Crackers Have To Taste So Good?

I think it was Monday that I went to Whole Foods to pick up some seitan and ended up with a few extra goodies. They've got these damn crackers I love, the 365 rice crackers. I got three different flavors and for some reason when they're at my desk I'm unable to stop eating them. The question is, can I bring them home, portion them out and then take them to work? Yes, but the better question is can I trust myself to not binge on them at home? Probably not.

I have this problem where I recognize the fact that I'm overeating but then continue to do it anyway, almost as though I'm saying "F-You" to the man (the man being my desire to be thin). I'm not sure why this is, but it's a consistent feeling.

Now, I must convince myself to get my ass on the spin bike to get rid of the extra calories I just ate.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On my way home

I totally feel like I could poop my pants at any second. I have a sneaking suspicion it was the apple I scarfed down just before leaving the office, and now I'm stuck on a bus hoping my ab muscles are strong enough to take me home safely.

Today was a highly productive day and I got not 1 but 2 workouts in and ate a delicious meal I made all by myself last night.

I've been hearing a lot about how soy products really aren't great for you in large quantities, especially since soy is a hidden ingredient in most products to begin with. As a veganish eater (I eat eggs sometimes) it's hard to find foods that aren't soy based proteins so I went to Whole Foods and got some seitan. Last night a stir fried up some veggies, added some seitan and spices, put a little couscous on top and damn it tasted good when I heated it up!

Not sure what's for dinner tonight but I need to keep the calories low in an attempt to get rid of my alcohol-induced bloat from last week.

Hope you're hanging in there too.
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